The Cyber Bully
The play looks at the misuse of texting, social networking sites and unauthorized use of pictures and footage.
The Team
Trisha Starrs has been writing and directing plays for school students for the last 20 years. The two actors are drama graduates and have extensive experience in theatre and working with young people.
The Play
Zoe and her cousin Edward have a lot of time on their hands. They are always online. One day Zoe discovers she can torment the girls she doesn’t like in her class using her favourite social networking sites and her mobile phone. She and Edward let loose thinking its harmless fun. Neither realises the impact of their actions. Things get a little crazy and Zoe starts suffering text-iety, post traumatic texting disorder not to mention post text depression. Eventually Edward and Zoe face the consequences of their actions.
The Cyber Bully is an entertaining play that explores the serious issue of cyber bullying among young people. The play looks at the misuse of texting, social networking sites and unauthorized use of pictures and footage. There will be a de-brief session offered after the performance where the actors will address important issues that are raised during the play and occur due to cyber bullying.
“Always a good performance from these two actors. I like the audience interaction-nice addition!”
“The children really enjoyed the play and it was excellent to stimulate classroom discussion. Thank you!”
SUITABILITY | Years 3 – 10 |
DURATION | 55 minutes + 15 minute Q&A |
COST PER STUDENT | $7.70 ($7.00 + .70c GST) |
MIN PER SESSION | $770.00 ($700 + $70 GST) if less than 100 students |
NOTES | Teacher Notes provided |